pantry location: 1000 E. 11th st. Lawrence, KS 66046
pantry hours: tuesday & thursday 9am - 6pm | wednesday & friday 9am - 3pm

We have many Food Justice Partners across the community, from schools, to grocery stores, to retail stores. Each contributes to the fight against hunger in Douglas County in different ways.
This map shows all of our Food Justice Partners across Douglas County.
Expand the map to full screen.
Click on the magnifying glass to open the search bar.
Type the name of the business you're looking for.
If the business or organization shows up with an icon, they're already a Food Justice Partner.
If they don't have an icon, they're not yet a part of our network.
If your favorite business isn't already on our map, share this page with them and encourage them to reach out about becoming a Just Food Food Justice Partner! Many local businesses aren't aware of all the different ways they can partner with us and we would love to reach out to them and have a conversation about all the opportunities exist.

Just Food

Classroom Cupboards

Partner Pantries

Community Donation Barrels

Food Recovery Partners

Cruising Cupboard Locations


Just Food means food justice for our whole community. Food justice is a holistic and structural view of the food system that sees healthy food as a human right and addresses structural barriers to that right. Food justice requires participation from our entire community. Our goal is to partner with organizations and businesses across Douglas County to become a community focused on food justice for all. We cannot do this alone.
Our Food Justice Partners collaborate with Just Food to host community food drive barrels, provide us with their unused food items, and partner with us in other ways to benefit our community.
Just Food's Food Justice Partners are part of a network of organizations, schools, and businesses who are working together to make sure our most vulnerable Douglas County neighbors don't go without healthy, and nutritious food. As a Partner, your business, school, or organization will receive a window cling to display at your location, and be invited to participate in several Partner activities throughout the year.
To express your interest in becoming a Food Justice Partner, please email our Executive Director who can connect you to the right member of our team to discuss your business and how we may be able to best partner.
Why should my grocery store, convenience store, or gas station get involved?Why Food Waste Matters Eliminating food waste can be a key contributor to reducing hunger in Douglas County. This includes reducing the amount of food sent to landfills as well as the donation of unsold, but still usable food to those in our community who are hungry. Liability Protections As an entity donating in good faith, you are protected from liability for the donated food. The Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Food Donation Act of 1996 encourages the donation of food and grocery products to nonprofit organizations for distribution to needy individuals. The Act exempts "persons and gleaners" who make good faith donations of food to nonprofit organizations that feed the hungry from liability for injuries arising from the consumption of donated food. Persons and gleaners shall not be subject to civil or criminal liability arising from the nature, age, packaging, or condition of apparently wholesome food that the person or gleaner donates in good faith to a nonprofit organization for ultimate distribution to needy individuals. Tax Incentives You can receive Federal tax incentives for donating food to an authorized 501(c)3 nonprofit entity (such as Just Food). An enhanced tax deduction allows eligible businesses to deduct the fair market value of the weight of donated food. In order to receive this deduction, you can obtain a receipt from Just Food upon donation. Food Recovery Posters We have created flyers for you to print and post in your business to let staff know about the program and what items we can accept. You can download these flyers at the following links, or we're happy to deliver to you, as well: Food Recovery Flyer Freight Recovery Flyer
What kinds of food can we donate?We're happy to take any of the following food items as well as items that may not be included on this list. If you have questions about whether or not we may be able to accept a specific item, please email us at Dairy Eggs Whole Milk Non-Fat Milk Skim Milk Milk Alternatives Soft Cheese Hard Cheese Yogurt Canned Goods Tuna Beans Fruit Vegetables Tomatoes Peanut Butter Proteins Deli Meat Frozen Ground Meat Frozen Beef, Pork, Poultry Frozen Seafood Fresh & Cooked Meat Grains Bread Bagels Cereal White Rice Brown Rice Dry Pasta Tortillas Quinoa Produce Fruits Vegetables Bagged Salad Mix Prepared Foods Any prepared foods
What food safety guidelines do we need to abide by?Any prepared food must be held at 41° F or lower prior to donating. Frozen goods should be held at 10° F or lower. Buffet Items (anything that has touched heat) are allowed, as long as the containers were not partially consumed. All buffet items must be treated with regard to KDHE cooling specifications - from hot holding temp of 135° F or higher to 70° F within 2 hours, and to 41° F within the next 4 hours. Any food that was held between 41° F and 135° F for more than 3 hours cannot be accepted. Containers should be labeled with any common allergens (if possible) and date of production. Prepared food that is more than 7 days old cannot be accepted.
How can we donate?To become a Food Recovery Partner, please: * Email Paul at * Email Chetan at * Call Chetan at (785) 979-4753 Once you are a part of our food recovery network, you can call, text, or email (contact information below) to set up pickups. If you are able to deliver your donated items, we are able to accept donations Monday through Friday from 9am to 3pm. Please bring all deliveries to the back door of Just Food, at: 1000 E 11th Street, Lawrence, KS 66046
Who should we contact for more information?Email: or Phone: (785) 856-7030 or (785) 979-4753 Text: (913) 636-6477 or (785) 979-4753
Why should my restaurant get involved?Why Food Waste Matters Eliminating food waste can be a key contributor to reducing hunger in Douglas County. This includes reducing the amount of food sent to landfills as well as the donation of unsold, but still usable food to those in our community who are hungry. Liability Protections As an entity donating in good faith, you are protected from liability for the donated food. The Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Food Donation Act of 1996 encourages the donation of food and grocery products to nonprofit organizations for distribution to needy individuals. The Act exempts "persons and gleaners" who make good faith donations of food to nonprofit organizations that feed the hungry from liability for injuries arising from the consumption of donated food. Persons and gleaners shall not be subject to civil or criminal liability arising from the nature, age, packaging, or condition of apparently wholesome food that the person or gleaner donates in good faith to a nonprofit organization for ultimate distribution to needy individuals. Tax Incentives You can receive Federal tax incentives for donating food to an authorized 501(c)3 nonprofit entity (such as Just Food). An enhanced tax deduction allows eligible businesses to deduct the fair market value of the weight of donated food. In order to receive this deduction, you can obtain a receipt from Just Food upon donation. Food Recovery Posters We have created flyers for you to print and post in your business to let staff know about the program and what items we can accept. You can download these flyers at the following links, or we're happy to deliver to you, as well: Food Recovery Flyer Freight Recovery Flyer
What kinds of food can we donate?We're happy to take any of the following food items as well as items that may not be included on this list. If you have questions about whether or not we may be able to accept a specific item, please email us at Dairy Eggs Whole Milk Non-Fat Milk Skim Milk Milk Alternatives Soft Cheese Hard Cheese Yogurt Canned Goods Tuna Beans Fruit Vegetables Tomatoes Peanut Butter Proteins Deli Meat Frozen Ground Meat Frozen Beef, Pork, Poultry Frozen Seafood Fresh & Cooked Meat Grains Bread Bagels Cereal White Rice Brown Rice Dry Pasta Tortillas Quinoa Produce Fruits Vegetables Bagged Salad Mix Prepared Foods Any prepared foods
What food safety guidelines do we need to abide by?Any prepared food must be held at 41° F or lower prior to donating. Frozen goods should be held at 10° F or lower. Buffet Items (anything that has touched heat) are allowed, as long as the containers were not partially consumed. All buffet items must be treated with regard to KDHE cooling specifications - from hot holding temp of 135° F or higher to 70° F within 2 hours, and to 41° F within the next 4 hours. Any food that was held between 41° F and 135° F for more than 3 hours cannot be accepted. Containers should be labeled with any common allergens (if possible) and date of production. Prepared food that is more than 7 days old cannot be accepted.
How can we donate?To become a Food Recovery Partner, please: * Email Paul at * Email Chetan at * Call Chetan at (785) 979-4753 Once you are a part of our food recovery network, you can call, text, or email (contact information below) to set up pickups. If you are able to deliver your donated items, we are able to accept donations Monday through Friday from 9am to 3pm. Please bring all deliveries to the back door of Just Food, at: 1000 E 11th Street, Lawrence, KS 66046
Who should we contact for more information?Email: or Phone: (785) 856-7030 or (785) 979-4753 Text: (913) 636-6477 or (785) 979-4753
Why should my business/organization get involved?In 2022, Just Food had over 58,000 visits by over 13,000 local residents. Our school pantries saw over 17,000 visits The need in our community is greater than ever and organizations like yours help to make the work we do possible.
What can my business/organization to do help?You can host a food/fund drive or allow us to place one of our community food drive barrels at your location on a long-term or permanent basis. Having our barrels out in the community spreads the word about the organization and when organizations host food drives, we're able to collect some of the more niche food items that our shoppers really want, but that we're unable to acquire in bulk from our food distributors or Harvesters. Any collected funds are used to purchase food for our pantry shelves from partners like Harvesters or our local grocery stores.
How should we communicate with my customers/members about a food drive we're hosting?To use this email template, just change the text between the brackets [XXX], then copy and paste it into an email you’re sending to your distribution list. Dear [business/organization] supporter, We have partnered with Just Food, the food bank of Douglas County to host a food and fund drive from [DATE] to [DATE], but we need your help to make it a success. When you visit us during our food drive dates, please consider bringing one or more of the following items to contribute to the drive: * Cereal * Peanut butter * Whole grain pastas * Granola bars * Tomato products * Gluten free pasta and food products * Brown rice * Whole grain cereal * Whole grain crackers * Plain oatmeal * Shelf-stable milk (cow, soy, rice, etc.) * Fruit - dried or canned in light syrup or juice * Low-sodium, or no salt added vegetables * Low-sodium pasta sauce * Natural peanut butter *Dried beans, peas, lentils * Canned tuna, salmon, chicken - in water * Unsalted nuts * 100% fruit and/or vegetable juice * Olive oil * Canola oil * Period products * Infant and adult diapers * Sexual wellness products * General hygiene/dental products At the end of our food drive, we will share how many pounds of food we donated. Let’s see how big that number can be! Thank you! [Business/Organization]
What resources can you provide to help us promote our food drive or barrel?At this link, you will find social media graphic files, food drive flyers, and Just Food Logos. You can download the files directly from the Google Drive folder.
How should we use Just Food brand assets in our own promotion for the food drive?When planning your own graphics and promotional materials for your food drive, please use Just Food brand guidelines when using Just Food Logos. Our colors and fonts are listed below for your reference. You can find all of our logos, available for download, in the Google Drive folder. Just Food Brand Colors Just Food Brand Fonts
What should I know about hosting a food drive?What supplies does Just Food provide for my drive? Just Food can provide colorful posters, donation barrels, the Just Food logo for marketing materials, and a personalized fundraising website. How long should my drive last? Depending on the size of your organization, 1-2 weeks is optimal. You want to give people enough time to get their donation in, without losing a sense of urgency and excitement. When should I hold my drive? Any time! A Food and Fund Drive is a great activity year-round. Our need for food drives is at its highest from February to August. Which would you prefer be donated: food or money? Just Food is grateful for any and all donations. Food drives not only provide the food needed for our hungry neighbors but also create a connection between donors and the people they are helping. On the other hand, monetary donations yield more food, as Just Food can buy at deeply reduced rates. For every dollar donated, we are able to provide 5 meals.
Do you have any tips or tricks for hosting a food drive?Hosting a food drive can be lots of fun. Depending on the make-up of your organization, you can get creative with how you encourage supporters to participate. Here are a few ideas to help increase your engagement and make the food drive resonate with your audience. 1. Make it a competition You can divide up your organization into teams and get them to compete to collect the highest number or items. You can offer incentives to the top-collecting team like a pizza party, gift cards, a bagel breakfast, or something else that will get them in the mood for fierce competition. 2. Promote the food drive The best way to get the word out about your food drive is to promote it. You can do this in a couple of ways. First, use the customizable flyers we’ve provided to spread the word within your space or around your location. You can print as many copies as you need and hand-deliver them to neighbors, post them in break rooms, on restroom stall doors, send them home with students, or share them anywhere else you may encounter people who will want to support your efforts. Then, don’t forget to spread the word on all your social media platforms. Social media is a superb way to reach a lot of people with minimal effort. Schedule a couple of posts sharing one of the graphics we’ve provided and pair the graphic with some of the example social post copy provided earlier in this document, encouraging your followers to help you spread the word by sharing the post to their own social media accounts. You can also reach out to local media outlets to tell them about your food drive and ask them to cover it in their publications. Here are a few local news sources to reach out to: * Lawrence Times Newspaper - * Lawrence Journal World - * University Daily Kansan - University of Kansas - * The Indian Leader - Haskell Indian Nations University - 3. Pick a great location for your barrel The location of your donation barrel can play a huge role in the success of your food drive. The best placement is in a highly-trafficked area in clear view of anyone who walks by. Placing a donation barrel in a place like a break room may seem like a great idea, and for some environments, it may be, but a place with more visibility may be the entry lobby to the building or a main stairwell, where both visitors and regular building occupants will see the barrel. 4. Make sure the barrel has clear signage We recommend you use our provided barrel label, including the donation QR code for your food drive. By providing the list of most-needed items and the QR code for donations, you’re giving your supporters multiple avenues for participation. If they can’t provide physical food items, they can always scan the QR code and make a financial contribution. 5. Take photos throughout your food drive and share them on social media By taking photos and sharing your progress on social media (remember to tag us - @Justfoodks on Facebook and @justfoodkansas on Instagram), you’ll encourage supporters to participate and help make your food drive a success. Tagging us will keep us informed of your progress and allow us to share your success with our followers. 6. Brag about your success when you're done and thank your participants When your food drive is over, be sure to get your final donation weight from the Just Food staff and then share your success with everyone who helped you get there, from your email distribution list, to your staff, to your social media followers. Showing appreciation to those who participated will keep them motivated to participate again the next time you host a food drive or any other kind of donation drive.
How do I sign up to host a food drive or a long-term barrel?You can sign up to host a food drive using the link below: Sign Up to Host a Food Drive To host a barrel at your business on a long-term basis, please email
Who should I contact if I have other engagement opportunity ideas?If you have other ideas about how your organization or business can get involved, please email our Executive Director at