We're all feeling some sort of fatigue, isolation or grief. Perhaps you're feeling all of those things at once. Sometimes we don't talk about it because we feel we're not entitled to those feelings, especially when we're feeling it collectively. Although adding something to your life can seem impossible right now, I challenge you to consider the benefits of volunteering and not only what volunteering can bring to your life, but what you are able to give to your community. We need your help and we'll be here when you're ready.

According to the Mayo Clinic:
"research has shown that volunteering leads to lower rates of depression and anxiety, especially for people 65 and older."
Volunteers provide life saving services, contributing to sense of self-worth and purpose. At Just Food we intentionally create opportunities for members of the public to work directly in some of the most crucial parts of our distribution to bring community together in supporting each other. We truly couldn't fight hunger in our community at the level we do without our volunteers.
Volunteering also provides an opportunity to create a social network with like-minded people. Social connection and interaction is a key ingredient in our happiness and well-being. And we have to say, we have some pretty fun and fantastic volunteers anyone would be lucky to call "friend". We have many people who volunteer regularly with their friends, allowing them to spend quality time together doing something meaningful.